

Stuart Clark

Senior Developer Advocate Of Community, Amazon Web Services

Stuart Clark is a Developer Advocate at AWS, author for Cisco Press and a Cisco Certified DevNet Expert #20220005Stuart started his career as a hairdresser in 1990, and in 2008 he changed careers to become a network engineer. After cutting his teeth in network operations he moved to network projects and programs.

After many years as a network engineer, Stuart became obsessed with network automation and joined Cisco DevNet as a Developer Advocate for network automation.

Stuart contributed to the DevNet exams and was one of the SME teams that created, designed, and built the Cisco Certified DevNet Expert. Stuart has presented at over fifty external conferences and is a multi-time Cisco Live Distinguished Speaker covering topics on network automation and methodologies.

Stuart lives in Lincoln England with his wife Natalie and their son Maddox, he plays guitar and rocks an impressive two-foot beard whilst drinking coffee. Stuart can be found on Twitter @bigevilbeard’